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Go Red for Women

February is American Heart Month and Friday, February 1st is National “Wear Red” Day, which is a day that shows support and awareness of women’s heart health. Go Red for Women is an  American Heart Association’s initiative that raises awareness…

Effects of Stress on the Body

By: Coach Jenny Early, submitted on behalf of the SoHum Health’s Community Wellness dept. With a new year upon us there is much to celebrate but it can also be overwhelming.  Between juggling the regular workload, the never ending stack…

Pints for SoHum Health

Join us this Friday from 4 – 8pm at Stone Junction Bar, 744 Redwood Drive, in Garberville!  20% of drinks at the Stone Junction Bar and 20% of food from Lil’ Bits will benefit SoHum Health Foundation. Have a drink…

Know Your Lemons

Photo by Lukas from Pexels 1 out of 8 U.S. women will be diagnosed with breast cancer during their lifetime. Breast cancer can start long before a tumor is big enough to feel. Not having any breast lumps doesn’t rule out cancers that…

Activity Director for Elderly ‘Looking for Sparks’

photo by Lee_seonghak on Pixabay  By Keith Easthouse, reporting for The Humboldt Independent When it comes to patients with dementia, Joe Rial makes it a practice to “speak [to them] as a peer.” “It’s not something they’ve always had,” he…

Affordable Healthcare

Photo by PublicDomainPictures on Pixabay  In case we haven’t said it enough, thank you SoHum for renewing the parcel tax that supports our Community Healthcare District! The final election results show that Measure F passed with over 75%. I can’t…

Update Could Remove Threat to Hospital Project, Official Says

By Keith Easthouse, reporting for The Humboldt Independent It might turn out that the Southern Humboldt Community Healthcare District’s plan to build a new hospital at College of the Redwoods Garberville Instructional Site will be allowable under an update of…

Board Vacancy

At their Thursday, July 26, 2018 meeting the Governing Board of Southern Humboldt Community Healthcare District (“SHCHD” or “District”), a public agency, announced the resignation of Jack Foster from the board. Pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of…

Summer River Safety

Like the Nile, the Eel River is one of few rivers in the northern hemisphere that flows from south to north. The Eel and its tributaries form the third largest watershed entirely in California, one of six rivers that flow…

Come to our Strategic Planning session!

Southern Humboldt Community Healthcare District cordially invites you to join the district for its annual Strategic Planning session on Wednesday, August 22, starting at 2 pm at the College of the Redwoods Classroom, 286 Sprowel Creek, Garberville. The afternoon educational…