News Mental Health

Give it a Rest
Photo by No Revisions on Unsplash Are you getting enough sleep these days? If not, you probably recognize right away how that manifests in your body and your mind. Maybe you’re irritable, you struggle to concentrate, you feel heavy and…

So Long, Omicron?
Photo by Adrian Swancar on Unsplash I’m sorry folks, but the pandemic is not over yet. I really wish I had to try harder to come up with topics, but everyone’s favorite bat flu keeps returning to my arms unbeckoned.…

Tour of the Organ Body, Part 4: The Kidneys
Photo by Robina Weermeijer on Unsplash Published in the Humboldt Independent on November 9, 2021 A couple of fist-sized, bean-shaped organs tucked behind the stomach just beneath the lower back ribs, the kidneys were considered during biblical times to be…

You Can’t Touch This
Photo by Yoann Boyer on Unsplash Published in the Humboldt Independent on July 20, 2021 We arrive finally at the last of the five human senses: touch. Last in our series, but likely the first sense to develop in human…

Cuddle Time II: The Oxytocin Commotion
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash Published in the Humboldt Independent on June 8, 2021 Cuddling is one of the first things most humans get to experience. Shortly after arriving on the planet, we are delivered to mom and…

The Long Haul
Photo by Shane on Unsplash Published in the Humboldt Independent on May 25, 2021 For all the sound and fury and shenanigans COVID-19 has dumped unceremoniously in our laps over the past year, the disease was never prone to causing…

The Teenaged Brain
Photo by Jeswin Thomas on Unsplash Posted in the Humboldt Independent on April 13, 2021 Not so long ago, brain scientists asserted that brain plasticity occurred over a short period of time in childhood, ending before adolescence, and that teenagers’…

Photo by Graham Holtshausen on Unsplash Finally, An Article from Authority Posted in the Humboldt Independent on April 6, 2021 Laziness is the inclination towards disinclination. It can manifest as a lack of necessary or unnecessary activity, procrastination (a personal…

Spiders and Darkness and Thunder Oh My!
Image by ambermb from Pixabay Published in the Humbodlt Independent on March 30, 2021 Recently there was a rather long thread going around social media about all the things that folks would do differently in the new normal of a now finally imaginable…

One Year of a Pandemic
It’s been one year since Humboldt County was ordered to shelter-in-place. How can one begin to define this past year, now that we all know firsthand that the word “pandemic” means a whole lot more than just a widespread outbreak…