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News Author Ann Constantino

Qualified Immunity

Photo by Magda Ehlers from Pexels Published in the Humboldt Independent on August 11, 2020 In recent weeks many news stories have been emerging speculating as to whether or not recovered COVID-19 patients are immune to getting the disease a second time. Other stories…

Fitting Into Your Genes, Part II

Photo by CDC on Unsplash Published in the Humboldt Independent on July 28, 2020 Read Fitting Into Your Genes, Part I DNA testing Millions of Americans have flocked to have their DNA tested over the past decade or so to…

Get a Grip

Photo by Kelly Sikkema  Published in the Humboldt Independent on July 14, 2020  Do you think you could hang from a chin-up bar for 30 seconds without your hand grip failing? How far could you walk if you were carrying…

Fitting Into Your Genes Part I

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels Published in the Humboldt Independent on June 30, 2020 While we’ve seen some creative spelling variations on protest placards in the news lately, what you are about to read is not about that quarantine spare tire that…

OK, Zoomer

Photo by Chris Montgomery on Unsplash With schools and many workplaces closed and millions of people sheltering in place over the past three months, our intensely social species has found its social habits undergoing a sometimes disturbing transformation. Many changes…

Are You Gonna Eat That?

Photo by Ello on Unsplash Diet is right up there with religion and politics as a topic that will often create acrimony or even outright hostility among folks who don’t see eye to eye, so if you find anything hard…

Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet

Photo by on Unsplash Just a few short weeks ago, much of the Covid-19 news was focused on the shortage of mechanical ventilators, machines that breathe for a patient who can no longer breathe on their own. More ventilators…

We’re In This For the Long Haul

Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels How is that adjustment going? Two weeks ago we talked about the stages of grief and a psychological condition called “adjustment disorder” in reference to the reaction to sheltering in place that we may be experiencing. Back…

Going Viral

Photo by Ashkan Forouzani on Unsplash Have you adjusted yet? It would not be surprising if your answer were a resounding “No!”  You might even be feeling a kind of grief for your former life, the one in which you…

Facing the Coronavirus Pandemic Together

Photo by Adam Nieścioruk on Unsplash Published in the Humboldt Independent on March 24, 2020 While Humboldt County’s lone official positive case of Covid-19 has recovered, the highly infectious and deadly disease caused by a novel coronavirus that emerged in…

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