News Author Ann Constantino

Use It, or Lose It
Photo by Anna Shvets from Pexels Published in the Humboldt Independent on January 19, 2021 While bone loss, or osteopenia leading to osteoporosis, may be the headliner condition aging adults are most aware of, loss of muscle mass, called sarcopenia, may have equally…

Better Call Sol
Photo by David Monje on Unsplash Published in the Humboldt Independent on December 29, 2020 By the time you read this, the winter solstice of 2020 will have passed, yet the daily increasing light goes on for another 6 months…

Good Lordosis (it’s not about Covid)
Photo by Joyce McCown on Unsplash Published in the Humboldt Independent on December 15, 2020 The word ‘spine’ comes into common metaphorical use in several ways, mostly to indicate strength of character. If you are spineless you are weak or…

Make a New Plan Stan
Photo by Mufid Majnun on Unsplash As the anticipated surge in COVID-19 cases spreads across the US, scenes of last spring’s initial wave are being revisited: refrigerated trucks for excess bodies, exhausted medical personnel reusing personal protective equipment at their…

Love is All You Need
Photo by Everton Vila on Unsplash In his 2012 book “The Social Conquest of the Earth“, renowned biologist E.O. Wilson compared various eusocial species in an effort to tease out the differences and similarities between human societies and those of…

Surge Protection
Photo by Gustavo Fring from Pexels Published in the Humboldt Independent on October 27th, 2020 Nine months into the pandemic, with winter approaching, we anticipate the expected surge in COVID-19 cases much better prepared than we were for the initial outbreak. Case numbers…

N-Z Pandemic Vocabulary
Photo by Kimberly Farmer on Unsplash Published in the Humboldt Independent on October 13, 2020 Here is the rest of your pandemic lexicon, terms, and phrases we have become familiar with these past 7 months. N-Z N is for Novel,…

A-M Pandemic Vocabulary
Photo by Pixabay from Pexels Published in the Humboldt Independent on October 6, 2020 The pandemic has been good for our vocabularies. Many terms not known before and a few newly invented ones have become household sayings in the time of Covid-19. Test…

Being in the Zone
Photo by Sage Friedman on Unsplash Published in the Humboldt Independent on September 15, 2020 Studies have shown a wide variety of positive effects on the brain resulting from a consistent meditation practice. Decreases in activity in parts of the…

Brave New World
Photo by sukhdev singh on Unsplash Published in the Humboldt Independent on August 25, 2020 COVID news getting old? Well, let’s take a little break from our unwelcome guest Rona as we embark on Heat’n’smoketember and turn our attention to…