Making the Most of Your SoHum Healthcare
Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

Greetings! I am the Patient Navigator for SoHum Health. My role is to provide a bridge between our patients and the difficulties they face while navigating our complex healthcare system. If a medical provider or a patient has questions, I find the answers and give them the tools they need to move forward. Whether this means answering a quick question, connecting a patient to the right department within our system, or teaching them to use the online portal, that’s what I am here for.
Below are some frequently asked questions.
Do I need a doctor’s order to get a COVID booster, a flu shot, or a shingles vaccination?
No doctor’s order is needed for COVID or flu vaccines. Walk-ins are always welcome for these vaccinations, but appointments are helpful to minimize your wait time. For COVID, please visit MyTurn.ca.gov to schedule a Thursday appointment at our Sprowel Creek site, located at 286 Sprowel Creek Road (next to the Redwood Playhouse). Our Pharmacy provides flu and Shingles vaccinations, too and you can call them at 707-921-7078. Since coverage of the Shingles vaccine is dependent on your insurance type, we recommend you make an appointment with your provider to obtain an order that can be sent to the pharmacy.
What is the fastest way to get lab test results? What if I want a printout of those results, or if I want them sent to a specialist?
The fastest way to receive lab results is through our patient portal, My Care Corner, and you may print these results directly from the portal. With portal access there is no wait! You can also submit a written Request of Information to the Medical Records department, but please be aware that it may take as long as 10 business days to get results sent to you. You may also need to fill out a Request of Information if you want results sent to anyone other than the ordering provider.
If I have questions about my recent visit, can I call my Practioner’s Medical Assistant or send a message to my Practioner?
As a patient, you are always welcome to ask questions about your care. In fact, we encourage it. You may call and leave a message for the medical assistant to forward to your provider or you may send a message directly to them through the patient portal. If you don’t know who to contact, just ask me! (Remember, email should not be used to communicate healthcare needs, as we cannot guarantee the safety and security of unencrypted messages.)
Who should I talk to if I see outdated or otherwise incorrect information on my Patient Portal?
If you notice any outdated or incorrect info in your patient portal, don’t hesitate to reach out to a medical assistant to have the information reviewed and corrected. We encourage all patients to check this information when setting up their portal, so corrections can be made now instead of later. For any questions regarding prescription changes or dosages, please contact a medical assistant.
If I can’t see my regular Practioner for a particular Clinic visit, how can I make sure they get a summary of that visit?
Every now and then you may not be able to see your provider of choice, and that is okay. All of our providers (ER included) can see one another’s notes about your care and visit history, but they may not be aware that you were seen. This is a great example of when to use the patient portal to communicate. Send your provider a message letting them know that you were seen, and that you would like them to review the visit. You may also call a medical assistant or me, your Patient Navigator, to forward this request.
Can I just walk into the Clinic any time to check my blood pressure or my weight?
Community members are always welcome to visit the Clinic during open hours for a weight or blood pressure check. Please be aware that all individuals entering the facility will need to be screened for COVID at the Hospital’s Emergency Entrance.
Who should I talk to about my billing or insurance questions?
You may contact me for insurance inquiries. For answers to your billing questions, contact our Revenue Cycle Manager at 707-923-3921 x236.
Our Vision at SoHum Health is to empower individuals to live longer, healthier lives through information, relationships, and technology. I look forward to helping you navigate our system to achieve your personal health goals. Call me, Jessica Gardner Marino at 707-923-3921 x246.
Jessica Gardner Marino, submitted on behalf of the SoHum Health’s Outreach department.
Related: Clinic, COVID-19, SoHum Health, Staff, Wellness