SoHum Health Foundation Brings New Outdoor Fitness Zone to Southern Humboldt Community Park
By Chelsea Brown,
Photo caption: SoHum Health Foundation Board members and staff celebrate the opening of the Fitness Zone at Southern Humboldt Community Park.
SoHum Health Foundation and Southern Humboldt Community Healthcare District have collaborated to bring a new outdoor Fitness Zone to Southern Humboldt Community Park. The SoHum Health Fitness Zone features seven socially distanced Greenfield’s Outdoor Fitness units. Greenfield’s Outdoor Fitness equipment has been utilized at colleges, senior centers, medical facilities, and parks across the state and country. Up to eighteen individuals can exercise the various muscle groups in the Fitness Zone at one time, and one station is wheelchair accessible.
SoHum Health Clinic Providers expressed the need for a cost-free and accessible place to refer their patients for exercise and fitness.
The project got its start when SoHum Health Clinic Providers expressed the need for a cost-free and accessible place to refer their patients for exercise and fitness. The SoHum Health Foundation Board was happy to pursue the project, thanks to a restricted gift from an anonymous donor which made it possible to purchase the seven exercise stations, without using any funds earmarked for the new hospital campaign. Southern Humboldt Community Healthcare District chipped in a portion of the remaining balance to complete the project. Labor and supplies to install the workout equipment were generously donated by Dennis Bourassa and Miguel Mejia. Special thanks to Lost Coast Pumpers and Randall’s Sand & Gravel for providing a professional discount for their services as well.
The Fitness Zone is located near the newly paved Kimtu parking lot at Southern Humboldt Community Park. The Community Park is the perfect host location being close to town and free for anyone to access.
Southern Humboldt Community Healthcare District, SoHum Health Foundation, and Southern Humboldt Community Park are proud to provide this new positive resource for the community, adding an opportunity for wellness that is free and accessible to all. Now patients and members of the community have access to an outdoor workout space with spectacular views of the Southern Humboldt Community Park.
SoHum Health Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization with a mission to support Southern Humboldt Community Healthcare District in sustaining high-quality healthcare services in our rural community. SoHum Health operates Jerold Phelps Community Hospital, Southern Humboldt Community Clinic, Southern Humboldt Family Resource Center, and Garberville Pharmacy.
For more information about the services provided by SoHum Health call (707) 923-3921.
Chelsea Brown, submitted on behalf of the SoHum Health’s Outreach department.