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News SoHum Health

The people we serve – part 2

This is the second of two columns featuring comments by people who have used our District’s services. Read part 1 here. Hospital rehab services “Thank God for this place” says Johnny Jennings about Jerold Phelps Community Hospital. After several days…

The people we serve – part 1

This is the first of two posts featuring comments by people who have used our District’s services. Spectrum of care Hal Lepoff:  “I never expected to be diagnosed with an incurable cancer (Chronic lymphocytic leukemia or CLL).  It’s something that…

Local hospital history

The early days Local lore tells of doctors delivering care in our area in the early 1900’s on horseback or via horse and buggy, and there was apparently a small hospital near the north end of Garberville in that era.…

Rural Healthcare Q&A

Healthcare is a complex issue. Here are answers to some frequently asked questions. Urgent care versus ER Question: Why not just have an Urgent Care Center instead of an ER? Answer: Urgent care clinics provide clinic services to drop-ins, with…

What is Measure F?

Measure F is a request to voters to levy a new $125 parcel tax to replace the $125 tax expiring June 30th that we’ve been paying for the past 10 years. What does it say, exactly? Shall the Southern Humboldt…

Our healthcare community goes way back

Christina Huff has been a key player in healthcare-related community development since she arrived in SoHum over 40 years ago from the Bay Area.  She and her husband Steve Weissbluth have also been beneficiaries of local healthcare services. Anaphylaxis  Shortness…

Voucher Program

Did you know you can use SHCHD’s Voucher Program to get credit equal to the amount of all the SHCHD parcel taxes you pay, and you can use that credit to pay for services you, your family, or your tenants…


Photo: Wikipedia/Library of Congress You awaken to violent jolting, the sound of glass breaking and large objects hitting the floor, the groan of trees as they topple, and (if you live in town) perhaps a flash and bang as the…

CT scans coming soon!

That’s right! Our new CT Scanner was recently installed in the new modular building adjacent to the Emergency Department entrance. A District goal since before I joined the SHCHD Board in 2010, our last hurdle before we can begin CT…

What’s cooking?

Small though our hospital is, we have many mouths to feed. We offer three meals and three snacks per day to all our Skilled Nursing Facility residents and hospital patients 365 days per year. We also provide three meals a…

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