News Hospital

Voucher Program
Did you know you can use SHCHD’s Voucher Program to get credit equal to the amount of all the SHCHD parcel taxes you pay, and you can use that credit to pay for services you, your family, or your tenants…

Photo: Wikipedia/Library of Congress You awaken to violent jolting, the sound of glass breaking and large objects hitting the floor, the groan of trees as they topple, and (if you live in town) perhaps a flash and bang as the…

CT scans coming soon!
That’s right! Our new CT Scanner was recently installed in the new modular building adjacent to the Emergency Department entrance. A District goal since before I joined the SHCHD Board in 2010, our last hurdle before we can begin CT…

Why we work at SHCHD
People are the heart of healthcare. Here at the Southern Humboldt Community Healthcare District, nearly 100 people work in our hospital ER, clinic, skilled nursing facility (SNF), and all their support services to care for our community around the clock,…

Year in Review, 2017
2017 was an eventful year! We welcomed new medical staff and instituted improvements to important Southern Humboldt Community Healthcare District services and operations. Medical Staffing Dr. Rucker joined us this fall as our new Clinic Medical Director. With longtime ties…
Annual Periodic Evaluation and Quality Assurance Review FY 2017
Southern Humboldt Community Health Care District (SHCHD) is located in Garberville California, SHCHD serves a diverse population of Southern Humboldt, Mendocino, and Trinity County residents. The area supports a large rural area of approximately 775 square miles and includes the…