News Fitness

Don’t Cramp My Style
Photo by Imani Bahati on Unsplash What happens when the nerves within your muscle tissue become abnormally excitable or confused? That muscle will involuntarily contract, tense and shorten, resulting in what is called either a spasm or a cramp, or any number…

It’s a Stretch
Photo by Anupam Mahapatra Can you touch your toes without bending your knees? Can you scratch that itch in the center of your back? How about doing the splits the way you could when you were on the Cheer team…

Fascia-natin’ Rhythm
Photo by Geert Pieters on Unsplash Around the exercise and movement world, connective tissue known as fascia was once scraped aside as unimportant by anatomists studying the more self-explanatory tissues such as muscle and bone. These days fascia is being…

Feet, Don’t Fail Me Now
Photo by Brina Blum on Unsplash The human foot is a structure that evolved to bear the weight of a mobile, usually intelligent biped via a wide variety of locomotive techniques. Our ancestors moved about on rough ground which necessitated…

Sitting Pretty
Photo by Alora Griffiths on Unsplash You may have seen sitting described as “the new smoking” by various media outlets, as though folding our bodies into the shapes dictated by chairs were a risk equivalent to that of a gripping…

Taking Action Against Anxiety
Photo by C.Valdez on Unsplash One of the most common mental illnesses in the U.S. is anxiety. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, “Anxiety disorders are affecting 40 million adults in the United States age 18 and…
Effects of Stress on the Body
By: Coach Jenny Early, submitted on behalf of the SoHum Health’s Community Wellness dept. With a new year upon us there is much to celebrate but it can also be overwhelming. Between juggling the regular workload, the never ending stack…

Healthy As We Wanna Be
Photo by Christian Bowen on Unsplash Have you wondered what’s meant by Community Wellness and Population Health? Traditionally, doctors focused on curing what ails us. They didn’t concern themselves with our diet, exercise, economic status, social support, and environment. They…

Get Moving Again in 2018
Just in time to help you make good on your New Year’s Resolutions, Southern Humboldt Community Healthcare District is sponsoring free, twice-weekly Restorative Movement classes at the SoHum Yoga Studio in the Meadows Business Park. Most people occasionally fall ill…