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SoHum Health offers COVID-19 vaccinations, testing, and treatment options to the community through a variety of avenues.


COVID-19 vaccines are offered on a walk-in basis at SoHum Community Clinic every Tuesday 9:00am-1:00pm and 2:00-4:00pm (October-April).


PCR COVID-19 tests are more sensitive and accurate than home tests, and they are available at Jerold Phelps Community Hospital 7-days a week 8:00am-5:00pm. For information about PCR testing at SoHum Health’s Laboratory, click here.

Free Home COVID Tests are available to the public for pick-up at these locations: SoHum Health Community Clinic and Southern Humboldt Family Resource Center in Redway.


Paxlovid is a medication that reduces the length and severity of COVID-19 symptoms, that is recommended for patients with certain risk factors. If your healthcare provider determines that Paxlovid is right for you, it can be available for same-day pick-up at Garberville Pharmacy.


Jerold Phelps Community Hospital and hospitals around the state work closely with the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the California Department of Public Health (CDPH) to respond to potential threats from COVID-19. When the threat of a disease that could cause a surge of patients increases, each individual hospital steps up its preparedness activities in coordination with State and local health departments. We are closely monitoring the situation, including following all updates and guidance from CDC, CDPH, and Humboldt County Public Health.

We would like to assure the community that our hospital is prepared to rapidly identify and isolate patients that may be infected with COVID-19. We then work with the Humboldt County Department of Public Health to coordinate testing and appropriate care, which may include home isolation or transfer to a higher level of care.

While our facility is prepared to identify, isolate, and test patients with suspected COVID-19, it is important for the community to keep in mind that we are a very small facility with limited space and staff. If you or a family member is experiencing signs and symptoms of respiratory illness, please stay home and call (707) 923-3921 ext. 1249 for guidance. Persons who have severe symptoms, such as difficulty breathing, should seek care immediately. Older patients and individuals who have underlying medical conditions or are immunocompromised should contact their physician early in the course of even mild illness.

Health Care Facility Surge Operations & Crisis Care Guidelines

Crisis Care Guidelines set forth by the California Department of Public Health have been fully integrated into the Jerold Phelps Community Hospital’s Emergency Operations Plan and Emergency Preparedness policies and procedures to provide guidance on how to respond to a surge in COVID-19 cases. Should a surge occur and the Crisis Care Guidelines and/or strategies need to be implemented, they will be done so with communication and coordination of the Redwood Health Care Coalition, Humboldt County Medical and Health Operational Area Coordinator (MHOAC), Regional Disaster Medical and Health Specialist (RDMHS), California Department of Public Health (CDPH), the local Emergency Medical System Authority (EMSA), and public safety partners to assure that appropriate legal and regulatory protections are followed in accordance with state and federal laws. Our physician staff and hospital leaders are collaborating on a Crisis Care Response that fully aligns with the California Department of Public Health Crisis Care Guidelines. To view these guidelines, click here.


For the latest updates on SoHum Health’s services, follow our facebook page. We encourage community members to seek out trustworthy sources of information about COVID-19, including these recommended websites:

California Hospital Association: