News Women’s Health

Photo by Sora Shimazaki. Synonymous with the term “womb,” the uterus is the hollow muscular organ possessed by female mammals in which an embryo, or newly fertilized egg, grows into a fetus and continues developing until birth. The lining of…

Fight Back Against Breast Cancer with 3D Mammography at SoHum Health
Breast cancer is a topic we’re all familiar with, but the statistics are still staggering. Breast cancer is the most commonly occurring cancer in women worldwide, with over 2 million new cases reported in 2023. It accounts for 25% of…

October, Breast Cancer Awareness, and a New Rule
Photo by Anna Tarazevich. According to the American Cancer Society, 13% of American women will develop breast cancer in their lifetimes. Every October we are reminded of how prevalent the devastating disease is when we see pink ribbons, pink signage,…

Early Puberty Trends in Girls
Photo by Yustinus Tjiuwanda on Unsplash. The average age of the onset of puberty in girls worldwide has dropped by a year or more over the past few decades, according to a meta-analysis of 30 studies published in 2023. The…

The career of Lorraine Carolan – Part 2
This is part 2 of 3 looking back at the 50-year career of Lorraine Carolan, longtime community healthcare activist, Licensed Midwife and Physician’s Assistant. Redwoods Rural Health Center opened in 1976. The center was founded by a group of new settlers…

The career of Lorraine Carolan – Part 1
This is part one of a series looking at the career of Lorraine Carolan, arguably the most influential healthcare provider in our community in modern times. She has served for over 50 years as a midwife, women’s health specialist, physician’s…

Carolyn Eldridge
“Birth is such an intimate time, and it often brings up stuff from our past, and if you have the right people with you, it can be healing. You can find a way to feel your energy and your power.”…

Fighting Back Against Breast Cancer
Photo by Sarah Cervantes on Unsplash Breast Cancer. We’ve all heard about it. We’ve seen the pink-washed products on the shelves and the Run for the Cure events. But just how common is breast cancer? Well as it turns out…
Go Red for Women
February is American Heart Month and Friday, February 1st is National “Wear Red” Day, which is a day that shows support and awareness of women’s heart health. Go Red for Women is an American Heart Association’s initiative that raises awareness…

Know Your Lemons
Photo by Lukas from Pexels 1 out of 8 U.S. women will be diagnosed with breast cancer during their lifetime. Breast cancer can start long before a tumor is big enough to feel. Not having any breast lumps doesn’t rule out cancers that…