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News SoHum Health

You Are What You Eat

Photo by Lisa Fotios. The decline in nutrient-rich foods As plant-based diets are being encouraged for a variety of reasons from environmental sustainability to improved cardiovascular health, it is disturbing to learn that the fruits, vegetables, and grains we eat…

The Heat is On

Photo by Ryan Stone on Unsplash. With high temperatures beginning to show up all around the country, it’s time to get prepared for dealing with extreme heat. Fortunately, there are some new resources that can help with that and some…

The Panic Button

Photo by Francisco Moreno on Unsplash. The sudden onset of a pounding heartbeat, drenching sweats, chills, shortness of breath, tingly hands, chest pain, and nausea, accompanied by an overwhelming fear for your life or a sense of impending doom might…

Positive Research on Cannabis

Photo by Alexander Grey. Over the past year, many new studies have been published, and many more are being undertaken, that look into the effects of marijuana use, both medicinal and recreational, on human health. Below is a short digest…

Resistance is Not Futile

Photo by Anna Shvets. More and more studies are piling on the good news about the benefits of resistance training, the kind of exercise that improves muscular strength, whether it be shredding at the gym with the pros, or using…

Good Eats

Photo by nrd on Unsplash. Almost half of young adults in the US suffer from anxiety. In all age groups, depression is on the rise with nearly 30% of adults having been formally diagnosed at some time in their lives.…

RICE is out and MEAT is in

Photo by Kindel Media.  You’ve probably heard it recommended many times after an injury resulting in acute pain in a joint or muscle: RICE is the acronym for the plan of self-treatment and stands for rest, ice, compression, and elevation.…

Keeping Everyone in the Loop

Photo by Mikhail Nilov. Imagine for a moment a scary situation in which a health crisis of some kind lands you in an emergency room unconscious. Whatever the accident or crisis may have been, until you regain consciousness, your loved…

Legends of the Fall

Photo by SHVETS production. The Restorative Movement classes offered by SoHum Health are going to be exploring some new territory in the new year. As we approach our sixth anniversary of offering these classes to the public, we are looking…

You Rang?

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya. In medieval Britain you might have been advised to take a freshly baked and piping hot loaf of bread from the oven, tear it in half and hold an end up to each ear as long…

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