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News SoHum Health

The Little Pharmacy that Could

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya. Did you know that SoHum Health and Redwoods Rural Health Center are both 340B program participants? If you are suddenly grimacing and turning away at the thought of more medical alphabet soup on top of three…

SoHum Health Fitness Classes

SoHum Health is pleased to offer online fitness classes by local ACE certified Personal Trainer Ann Constantino. Classes are geared toward the aging population with an emphasis on bone building and strength training along with balance and mobility, however, all ages…

Athletes of the Fine Muscles

Photo by 童 彤 on Unsplash. Fine motor skills are one of humanity’s greatest tricks. While we lack the strength and powerful grip of our primate cousins, we have among the most sensitive and sophisticated dexterity of any animal, owing…

Changing Your Mind

Photo by Alexis Baydoun on Unsplash When popular food and environmental author Michael Pollan published his 2018 book “How to Change Your Mind“, a few cracks opened and began to shed new mainstream light onto the long-shuttered subject of the use…

The career of Lorraine Carolan – Part 1

This is part one of a series looking at the career of Lorraine Carolan, arguably the most influential healthcare provider in our community in modern times. She has served for over 50 years as a midwife, women’s health specialist, physician’s…

Adopting Adaptogens

Photo by Josh Millgate on Unsplash Dating back to the origins of Ayurveda, the Indian disciplines of medicine, philosophy, and logic, over 2000 years ago, the idea of homeostasis (a steady, stable state of being) as the benchmark for optimal…

Good Grief

Photo by Pierre Bamin on Unsplash The experience of loss is an inevitable yet irreconcilable part of the human experience. We are taught from an early age that all things must pass, and even a cursory glance around the planet…

Karl Verick

Karl Verick served as a nurse in the Southern Humboldt community from 1985 until his retirement in the spring of 2022. He worked for the hospital and healthcare district for the first 28 years and then took a position as a…

What a Pickle

Photo by The Matter of Food on Unsplash While many anthropologists will point to the development of agriculture and language as the most critical steps in humanity’s climb to the top of the food chain, more and more academics are…

Not So Fast

Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash Is intermittent fasting just the latest fad dieting idea, or is it a promising way to align with your circadian rhythm and improve brain function, as well as combat insulin resistance, inflammation, obesity, hypertension, and…