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Fight Back Against Breast Cancer with 3D Mammography at SoHum Health

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Breast cancer is a topic we’re all familiar with, but the statistics are still staggering. Breast cancer is the most commonly occurring cancer in women worldwide, with over 2 million new cases reported in 2023. It accounts for 25% of cancer diagnoses and 15% of cancer-related deaths globally. An estimated 670,000 lives were lost to breast cancer last year alone. It’s a disease that touches nearly everyone—whether through personal experience or through someone we know. Early detection remains one of the most important factors in increasing survival rates, and that’s where 3D mammography comes in.

Early detection remains one of the most important factors in increasing survival rates.

At SoHum Health, we are proud to offer advanced 3D breast cancer screening technology, designed to provide the most accurate and effective early detection possible. As part of our mission to support the health of our community, we are encouraging women to take advantage of this technology, especially during Breast Cancer Awareness Month this October.

Why 3D Mammography?

Our 3D mammography offers several key benefits compared to traditional mammograms:

  • More precise detection: The 3D imaging captures detailed, layer-by-layer views of breast tissue, making it easier for radiologists to spot abnormalities early on.
  • Better outcomes with early detection: Early detection of breast cancer is crucial in providing more treatment options and increasing survival rates. 3D mammography’s accuracy ensures we can detect cancers sooner, improving outcomes for our patients.
  • Fewer unnecessary follow-ups: The improved clarity of 3D imaging leads to fewer false positives, which means fewer additional tests or unnecessary worry for patients.

While some may be concerned about the small amount of radiation involved, the exposure is minimal. In fact, it’s comparable to spending less than 15 minutes in the sun—an amount that’s perfectly safe and well worth the peace of mind that comes with knowing you’ve taken charge of your health.

Common Myths about Breast Cancer and Mammograms

We asked Lora Simone, licensed Mammographer and Radiology Director at SoHum Health, to share some of the most common misconceptions she hears from patients:

  1. I had a mammogram 10 years ago, so I’m fine. It’s essential to get screened regularly. The American Cancer Society recommends that women over 40 have a mammogram every year. Changes in breast tissue can happen quickly, and consistent screening ensures early detection.
  2. It’s going to be painful. While mammograms can be uncomfortable, advancements in technology have made the process less painful than it used to be. Most patients report that it’s no big deal once it’s over.
  3. My mom didn’t have breast cancer, so I don’t need to worry. Unfortunately, family history isn’t the only risk factor. All women have a baseline risk of developing breast cancer, so regular screenings and a healthy lifestyle are essential.
  4. Thermograms are a suitable alternative to mammograms. This isn’t true—thermograms aren’t FDA approved and can’t detect cancer until it reaches a later stage. Mammograms, especially 3D mammograms, are the best option for early detection.

Dense vs. Not

Breast tissue can be either dense or not dense. Dense breast tissue makes it harder to find breast cancer on a traditional mammogram and also raises the risk of developing breast cancer. In some people with dense tissue, other imaging tests in addition to a 3D mammogram may help find cancers, including ultrasound and MRI. Talk to your healthcare provider about breast density and your individual risks for breast cancer to determine which types of screening are best for you. The American Cancer Society recommends an annual mammogram for all women 40 years and older, regardless of their breast density.

Take Action: What You Can Do

SoHum Health encourages women aged 40 and older to schedule their 3D mammogram today.

Getting regular mammograms is the single most important step women can take to reduce breast cancer mortality. Humboldt County has the lowest percentage of women receiving regular mammograms in California, with only 35% of women getting screened. Increasing that number could save lives in our community.

SoHum Health encourages women aged 40 and older to schedule their 3D mammogram today. If you notice any changes in your breasts—whether in size, shape, or density—or feel a lump, contact your healthcare provider immediately for diagnostic testing.

Other lifestyle changes may reduce your overall risk of developing cancer as well, including eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, and reducing alcohol consumption.

To book your 3D mammogram at SoHum Health, call (707) 923-3921. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, but every month is an opportunity to take control of your health.

Let’s work together to decrease breast cancer mortality in Southern Humboldt and beyond. For more information on breast cancer and mammography, visit trusted sources like the American Cancer Society, the National Breast Cancer Foundation, and Know Your Lemons.

Every step we take toward early detection brings us closer to a future where breast cancer claims fewer lives. Schedule your 3D mammogram today and take the first step toward protecting your health!

SHCHD, Staff writer